Saturday, August 28, 2010

Introductory Post

My name is Jennifer Quang. Although that's my real name, about 90% of everyone I know calls me Abby. It's a weird transition, from Jennifer to Abby (many have asked how and why); but to make the long story short, it's been a nickname I've had since the fifth grade. As you can see, it stuck until now. I'm majoring in pre-nursing, and this would be my second year at SJSU. The only communication studies experience I've had so far would be a speech class I took last semester, comm20. Besides from that, I don't do a lot of public speaking. This would be the first time I'm taking an online course. This semester, however, I took the risk of taking two, all the while not knowing how it'll all turn out, and how difficult it may get (as I've heard). From this class, I'm looking forward to gain the ability to further my critical thinking skills and communication skills to better my education. Although this is all online, I'm hoping the amount of interaction and discussions required will be food for my brain. Other than that, I'm honestly hoping that this class won't be too difficult or time consuming. Outside of school and work, I take interest in spending time with people I care about. I like to surround myself with the people who matter, and have good times and memories together. That's all for now.

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