Friday, November 19, 2010

Mission Critical Website

This website was very useful to me considering the fact that it gives an overall summary of most of the things we've learned and gone over throughout the course. For an example, it reviewed each of these topics: emotional appeals, inductive and deductive arguments, and different parts of an argument such as validity, premises, conclusion, vagueness, and ambiguity, to name a few. The one subject that I found most interesting, however, would be found at the very bottom of the website: the link labeled as the post hoc fallacy. As I've explained in my previous post, post hoc means "after this, therefore because of this." I liked how the writer used several different examples of post hocs, and gave explanations for each. The one that stands out to me most would be the last two paragraphs of his summary: how bad luck was taken as an example of people believing that certain things happen because they happened to walk under a ladder, or stepped onto the sidewalk cracks. Like the author said, bad and good luck happen to people regularly, people just tend to believe there is a link between the two when there really isn't. In the last paragraph of his review, he mentioned an example the barometer dropping because the atmospheric pressure has dropped. Because of this, rain would fall. Since some people who have not thoroughly thought things through would believe in the path of a post hoc fallacy, they would argue that the barometer dropping caused the rain. But if you were to sit down and think things through, you could see that this argument would be invalid and unreasonable. How can a barometer cause a weather change?

1 comment:

  1. Hey QUANG7, I also thought that the Mission Critical website was extremely helpful because it basically covers all the past topics in an easy to navigate format. Post hoc fallacy was also something I found I didn't understand too well, but lucky for me it was explained very well on the Mission Critical site. Its good that you brought up the example they used of good luck and bad luck because it is something many people can probably relate to, but can also show that just because you step on a crack of walk under and ladder, that nothing bad will happen to you. They are not linked in any way!
