Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Final Week, Question #1

From this class, I've learned many interesting terms and concepts. These concepts include the different types of leaderships, fallacies, and many more. Without this class, I don't think I would ever look into these concepts even if I passed by it through a reading or if someone mentioned it to me. Yet because we were required each week to not only read our two textbooks, but to post blogs to analyze and discuss each of these terms, I was able to understand them very well. In addition to that, I think our professor did a great job in reinforcing that we've fully understood these concepts by giving us links and exercises to participate in. I like how she also further explained these concepts in her own way for most (not every) week. Those chunks of information given to us did clarify some of the confusion I had with a few concepts along the way throughout the semester. I really liked how informative this class was. I feel like these terms were somewhat of list of vocabulary words we had to learn in English classes a few years back, and how they would come into play if we were to ever discuss the matters of communication. I also liked the fact that not all of these terms are useless, and that we didn't just learn them to get an A in the class. These terms are relative to real life and how we live everyday because it has to do with communication, and a majority of us communicate every day of our lives. Therefore, the things we've learned and practiced throughout the course can be of great use and help when we're struggling with communication or having trouble expressing ourselves.

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