Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Final Week, Question #2

The one thing that I absolutely loved about this class would have to be meeting with some of my classmates in person. Although one or two of us didn't exaclty get along at first, we all have learned to cooperate and get on each other's good side after meeting again a few times after. I know that being enrolled in an online class means not seeing your professor nor classmates, but I thought it was really nice to meet some of them in real life, especially the ones that I got along with great! It made doing the group projects super fun, a lot easier, and a lot less stressful. Despite that fact however, the main thing that I didn't really like about this course was how we had to post our blogs a certain number of hours apart. Although I get the professor's reasons for having this rule upon us, it was really inconvenient at times when I have somewhere to go or something to do. Also, it was a lot harder to maintain the blog than I thought it would be, mainly because of the same reason. Sometimes, I would forget all about blogging until the last minute, and the certain number of hours apart rule would make me miss out on one or two blogs, therefore deducting my weekly discussion participation points, which was not a good thing. Overall, I thought this course was fun, and kept me on my toes sometimes. It was a lot harder to earn an A than I thought, but I'm glad I had to work for my grade. Thanks Professor Carol!

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