Friday, September 17, 2010

Structure of Arguments

EXAMPLE #2: I'm on my way to school. I left five minutes late. Traffic is heavy. Therefore, I'll be late for class. So I might as well stop and get breakfast.

ARGUMENT? Yes. The argument here is that because the person is already late, being a little later wouldn't hurt. The claims would be: The person left five minutes late, and traffic is heavy.

CONCLUSION? Since the person is already running late, stopping by for breakfast is alright.

ADDITIONAL PREMISES NEEDED? The person should be adding more details, such as when class starts, and even if they left five minutes late, how late is that in relation to the time they need to be there. Some people may be five minutes late, but then they could still be ahead of schedule because they leave so much earlier than they should be.

SUBARGUMENT: I don't think there is any....but I could be saying one would be that the person is late. The second (subargument) could be whether or not they should stop to get food.

GOOD ARGUMENT?: No, this person did a horrible job with their logic. Just because they are already five minutes late does not make it ok for them to further their tardiness by stopping elsewhere.

*I think this exercise was okay. I was a bit confused when it came to my example, because the argument and conclusion was somewhat similar. I hope it looks okay, I kind of guessed through most of the exercise.

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